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谭晓明 博士、教授                                                      


电话: 0535-6672730

Email: mingtanxiao@163.com


· 2004.9~2007.7四川大学         原子与分子物理专业学习,获得理学博士学位;

· 2001.9~2004.7河南师范大学     原子与分子物理专业学习,获得理学硕士学位;

· 1997.9~2001.7聊城师范学院     物理学专业学习,获得理学学士学位


· 2007.8~至今: 必赢bwin线路检测中心必赢bwin线路检测中心从事教学科研工作


· 纳米材料的原子分子设计与合成、分子吸附及光学性质。


· 国家自然科学基金:掺杂3d离子稀磁半导体微结构及磁光性能研究,国家自然科学基金(11204121),2013.01-2015.12,主持人,25

· 山东省自然科学基金: TM2+离子掺杂IIVI族晶体激光介质材料的光性能与微结构,山东省自然科学基金(ZR2011AL021),2011.12-2014.12,主持人, 4万。


· 研究生课程:《群论》                            

· 本科生课程:普通物理》、《近代物理学》、《热力学与统计物理》、《量子力学



1. Tan Xiao-Ming, Zhao Gang, Zhang Di. Fine structure of absorption spectrum and spin-singlet on zero-field-splitting parameters for BaCrSi4O10 and AgGaSe2:Cr2+. Acta Phys. Sin. 65: (2016) 107501 SCI收录)

2. Tan Xiao-Ming, Zhou Kang-Wei. Theoretical investigations of substitution site and local structure distortion for tetragonal Cr2+ ion in AgGaSe2:Cr2+ compound. Mate. Sci. Eng. B 183: (2014) 34– 38SCI收录)

3.  Tan Xiao-Ming , Wang Yan-Wen. Total cross sections for electron scattering from sulfur compounds. Chin. Phys. B 22(2): (2013) 023403(1-5) SCI收录)

4. Tan Xiao-Ming , Zhao Gang. Total cross sections for electron scattering from fluoromethanes: A revised additivity  rule method. Chin. Phys. B 21 (6): (2012) 063402(1-5) SCI收录)

5. Tan Xiao-Ming , Liu Xue-Mei. Total Electron Scattering Cross Sections of SiH4 and PH3 Molecules in the Energy Range from 10 eV to 5000 eV. Chin. J. Phys. 50 (4): (2012) 573-580SCI收录)

6. Tan Xiao-Ming , Wang De-Hua.Total cross sections for electron scattering from CH3OH and CH3CH2OH molecules in the energy range from 10 to 1000 eV. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 269: (2011) 1094–1096SCI收录

7.  Tan Xiao-Ming, Kuang Xiao-Yu, Zhou Kang-Wei, Li Zi-Jiang, Qu Yu-Qiang. The fine structure levels and spin-singlet contributions to zero-field-splitting parameters of Cr2+ ion in CdGa2S4. Philos. Mag. 90: (2010) 1289-1295SCI收录)

8.  Tan Xiao-Ming , Liu Zi-Jiang, Tian Xiao-Hong. A revised additivity rule for electron scattering from ethylene, propene, butene, ethane, propane and butane. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 268: (2010) 1535–1539SCI收录)

9.  Tan Xiao-Ming, Kuang Xiao-Yu, Zhou Kang-Wei. Local Structure Determination of Tetragonal Cr2+ Center in CdS Semiconductor. Z.Naturforsch. A 64: (2009)507-510SCI收录)

10. Tan Xiao-Ming, Kuang Xiao-Yu, Zhou Kang-Wei, Lu Cheng, Zhu Qin-Sheng. Spin-singlet contributions to zero-field splitting of a 3d4 ion at a distorted octahedral site and applications to Cr2+ ions in Rb2CrCl4 and CrF2. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18: (2006) 1705-1713SCI收录)

11. Tan Xiao-Ming, Kuang Xiao-Yu, Zhou Kang-Wei. EPR theoretical study of local lattice structure in ZnS:Cr2+ system. Solid State Commun. 136: (2005) 395-399SCI收录)